Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hosting = Great Memories!

Our French student Romaine with our 4 kids enjoying a day at the tracks
this was one of her favorite activities because it's not something she'd do in France.

The roster continues to grow and we're entering the final stretch of lining up host families for the 10 French teens who will be here July 9 - July 29th.   This blog has all the information in one place for you to see what hosting is like, get ideas of fun things to do (such as going to see horse races!) and most importantly, there is a section which tells you about the French teens still waiting to hear about who will be their American family for 3 weeks!  Check the menu on the right to learn all about it!

This program is a very memorable experience. The best summers we recall have been the ones where we hosted - you do fun things, take in a few sights and are just a little more intentional about family time which now includes a French son or daughter! And in return, one of our kids spent the summer in France and got to see & do things that wouldn't have been possible without USMD.

Please do share this blog so we can help get the word out to our future hosts - they're in for a GREAT summer!